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Outsource Fulcrum Sales Automation Software

Don't just let your leads slip away unnoticed, take charge with well-informed sales processes and improve your lead conversions with the Fulcrum Sales Automation tool right now!

Why Use a Tool for Sales Automation?

A Sales Automation Software can help you find new customers faster, and close deals quicker. Today, with more and more business coming through online web traffic, a Sales Automation Tool can provide several additional benefits for you, such as -

  • Maintaining the entire sales life cycle
  • Creation of multiple user views
  • Documenting conversations
  • Creating tasks and generating reports
  • Recording complete billing details
  • Managing relevant files

Key Features of Fulcrum Sales Automation Tool

Fulcrum SFA is created by O2I to efficiently streamline the sales and inquiry process of your business. It provides several useful workflow and user management features in a user-friendly web interface, which can then be plugged into your websites' "Contact Us" form. Other features which set Fulcrum SFA apart are -

  1. Effective Dashboard

    The moment you login to Fulcrum, a neatly organized dashboard welcomes you with all the required information including leads, closures, and various other key sales processes. This gives your sales team a complete picture of the sales status and process effectiveness.

  2. Managing Lead Lifecycle

    Fulcrum effectively tracks the entire lifecycle of your lead and collects information related to every lead, at every process of your sales funnel. Managing the lead lifecycle becomes even more streamlined because of the following -

    • Inquiry Classification - You can classify inquiries into Open, Pre-qualified, Qualified, Closed or assign a custom classification based on the sales readiness of the inquiry
    • Easily Add Inquiries - You can use Email, do Cold Calling or Website Capture to add the inquiry into Fulcrum as per your wish
    • Flag Creation - You can classify and create flags like hot lead, cold lead, etc., thus helping you to more effectively engage the leads
    • Change Inquiry Status - You can create as well as alter the status of the inquiry at any given time, allowing for robust inquiry management
  3. Individual Activity Log

    With Fulcrum you can log an individual sales process of every captured lead, like email interactions, calls made, specific information of the lead, topics discussed, etc., which will give you clear information on what action to take next to convert the lead.

  4. Social Media Interaction

    With Fulcrum Automation you can log social interactions of your prospects, understand their likes and dislikes, know their purchasing patterns, etc. This will allow you to have more personalized interactions with your prospects, and convert them into customers.

  5. Reports and Stats

    Fulcrum Automation can also generate user-specific reports and stats, giving you a 360 degree view of you entire sales process. This will help your management team to take the right decisions and if required, make changes to your strategy in order to achieve increased conversions.

  6. Anywhere-anytime Access

    Being a cloud based service, you can access Fulcrum Automation from anywhere, thereby allowing you the flexibility of real-time report generation, enhanced productivity and increased sales.

  7. Email Integration

    With customer relationship management software like Fulcrum SFA, you can integrate email applications to send out timely mails and messages to your prospects, thereby creating the much needed interaction and information exchange to keep them hooked to your brand.

  8. Billing

    Apart from converting your leads to sales, this sales management software also maintains billing information of the sales generated from these leads. You can get information on bill dues, due dates, mode of payment, etc. Additionally, you can also maintain different billing formats as per your convenience like -

    • FTE (Full-Time-Equivalent)
    • Monthly Payment
    • Per Hour Billing
    • Transaction-Based payment
    • Fixed Billing

Why Choose Fulcrum Automation?

Fulcrum's USP lies in its ability to merge the barriers between sales and marketing, and present you with a robust set of features in a user-friendly, cohesive tool. By choosing Fulcrum as your CRM tool, you stand to gain from the following -

  • Seamless Integration

    Fulcrum seamlessly integrates into your "Contact Us" page and logs all the information in an indexed and easily searchable format, thereby making your whole process of lead entering automated, easy, and instant

  • Assistance in Decision Making

    With correct reports and insights related to all the stages of the sales process, the management team can take realistic and effective decisions leading to a better conversion ratio

  • Analytics and Forecasting

    Looking at the collected information and other sales related data, gathered through an effective analytics process, you can now forecast future sales and also make the necessary changes to increase sales. You can also make the required changes to correct processes which may be causing harm to your sales funnel

  • Opportunity Analysis

    Fulcrum Automation gives you a macro level picture of your entire sales process and prospect information, which can be used to conduct a detailed opportunity analysis. It can give you valuable insights about customer behavior, their preferences, etc. This will also help you to make the necessary changes in your products and services, making them more customer-friendly

  • Customizable and Scalable

    Fulcrum Automation is completely customizable to suit your specific sales processes apart from the standard processes. This will give your sales team complete flexibility to use the software at maximum efficiency

It's Time You Leveraged the Fulcrum Advantage!

Fulcrum SFA offers a complete sales automation solution for your sales team to easily manage leads, prospective opportunities, and multiple user accounts through one location. Real-time activity logs and mobile access through the Fulcrum SFA app further enhances and optimizes your sales team's efforts.

If you are a small business, or even a large enterprise managing continuous sales, Fulcrum Automation is the right tool to engage. It ensures better, smoother and quicker sales practices to make your overall sales process more effective and efficient.

Contact us now to reap the benefits of a highly customizable and feature rich sales automation software, and see your business productivity grow!

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